Artwork From the Female Tattoo Gallery

Artwork From the Female Tattoo GalleryOnce upon a time tattoos were a strictly male art form. In those days 'Mom' and power symbols ruled the roost as tattoo art forms. Over the years women decided men shouldn't be able to have all the fun, however, and tattoo art developed in a broad new way to include a great variety of both gender specific and unisex artwork. The female tattoo gallery in any shop or online artwork forum may include such decidedly feminine works as roses, butterflies and teddy bears as well as a wide variety of symbols, art, and icons that cater to both sexes equally.

Body art has truly come into its own in the last several decades and the skills and artwork is now quite complex in many instances. Realism is as much a part of tattoo art as symbolism now and the female tattoo gallery can include beautiful sceneries, delicate pictures, or very complicated symbols. Tribal art is a very popular modern item in the female tattoo gallery. Many of the symbols incorporated there are gender specific and some will easily cross over between both sexes.


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